What it Means to be Well From a Scriptural Perspective

Often when thinking of health, many refer to bodily health.  The number of diagnoses, the condition of the body, and the potential of getting sick.  However, how often is health considered concerning overall wellness, including mental, emotional, and spiritual health? Perhaps the very essence of health or being healthy can be based on the premise …

Traumatic Experiences: Insights from a Case-Study

There are various types of traumas experienced within the ministry context and in general. Although there is a number for consideration, this conversation provides just a few examples of traumatic experiences identified by academic research done in a micro-project case study. Therefore, rather than give a detailed overview of a specific trauma area, to start, …

Silence is not always golden

There are instances when individuals and families find themselves in extreme crisis due to the lack of acknowledgment of suppressed trauma, either intentionally or unintentionally.  As a result, symptoms resulting from the trauma, including cognitive, emotional, behavioral, spiritual, or relational, are ignored.[1]  This suppression is often due to unrealized traumatic experiences or the decision not …

Welcome to the Conversation!

Welcome to a wellness conversation, an opportunity to share, engage and inspire all to promote and encourage holistic wellness in the ministry context and in general.  In the time of great challenge, having faced the trials of a pandemic, the plight of injustices, economic strain, grief, sickness, and life’s everyday demands, may this conversation be …